Tuesday, November 17, 2009

and you

i don't care if it hurts
i want to have control
i want a perfect body
i want a perfect soul

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"these streets will make you feel brand new; the lights will inspire you"

that quote (well, lyric, by jay-z, but i've never heard the song) sums it up - my idea of the eternal, pulsing energy of the bright-lit city that never sleeps.

i want it. i want it all.

maybe i just wanna fly

i don't really know what to post here, since i have a tumblr, so:

this is a runway look i really like. i'd so wear that on the streets of some cool city.
like this one:
yeah, i wish i were her.
goodnight. i should probably get some sleep while my sleep schedule is relatively regular.


Winston: I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.

Julia: Well then, I ought to suit you, dear. I'm corrupt to the bones.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


as twisted as it sounds, the idea of disaster is strangely beautiful.
i can imagine it. driving in my car, seeing fireballs plummeting to earth all around me. skyscrapers like a jenga game, broken glass everywhere. an onset of ocean waves, approaching faster than i could think to do anything but laugh. yeah, i can only see myself laughing, while seeing the world as i know it collapsing before my very eyes.
not a crazed, manic, in denial laugh. a laugh ringing of jubilance and victory and adrenaline amusement exaltation incredulity exhaustion relief happiness freedom. not that i'd be able to hear it, you know, with the explosions and screams and breaking glass and car alarms and whatnot. i think it'd be kind of fun, since there wouldn't be anything to worry about from the result.
and how it would look! explosions in the sky? crevasses exposing another layer? the ocean engulfing the mountains? and the sound of the sound barrier breaking.

it's nice to know there's an end, and if i can't live forever, at least i know it'll be over someday.